Friday, January 27, 2012

Dog eat dog? No, I think they are just plying

are you going to finish that?

all I want is...

this works

cat power!

The Brittish kind of English?

happy valentines day!

Dude El

vortex v. Kitty

other thing?

silver lining

another story

I went to an art gallery opening and there was a really big man standing in front of a painting. I asked him to move so I could see the art. He gruffly pointed to the title of the work. It was titled "Large man makes you feel awkward."

Story from notebook

I bought a painting at a yard sale, a picture of a clown crying. I took it home and scratched it by mistake and found a Warhol print under clown. While trying to remove the clown I scratched further and revealed a Georgia O'keeffe flower painting. It chipped off and there was a Picasso painting of a clown. I stopped there, I like clowns.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Monster Jam 2 Porter, Biggs, houseguests!

Introductions may be in order!

Hello and welcome to the non dead tree version of Joy and Spider. This is a continuation of a cartoon I started in '93, my last year of college. I want to thank Christine for being the most awesome soul mate ever. I want to thank Pat Porter and John Porcellino for being super heroes of art. I want to thank John Gross, all of the old Denver Zine Pool gang (they stayed rad!) August Miller, Cathy Doug Tim Cj Jimi, and Most of all Dave Hails who was the tipping point who made me aware that I wanted to publish again. THE mosshammer RULES!

pika on the tundra

style council

Journey is a bubble gum 80s band, how you like that life?

Pika on the tundra

Fiction but truth is between the lines

monster jam 1 Porter Biggs Biggs

bat shit crazy, a charming turn of phrase
